LAT: Lattice Boom Crane
Training & Operation Certification
This course is tailored for Lattice Boom Crane candidates and is offered in a classroom format on-site. Whether you're an experienced operator or new to mobile cranes, you'll find value in this program. It covers material pertinent to both new certifications and recertification. Great Lakes Crane Certification ensures you have all the necessary tools, equipment, and knowledge to ace your exams and earn your NCCCO certification. Remember, mobile crane certifications are valid for five years, and operators must renew their certification upon expiration.
Certification Overview
Welcome to the CCO Mobile Crane Operator certification program brought to you by Great Lakes Crane Certification. The NCCCO Mobile Crane Task Force that developed this nationally recognized and internationally accredited certification program was made up of experts from all aspects of the crane industry—crane operators, crane users, trainers, safety supervisors, manufacturers—who together represent many thousands of hours of crane-related experience. These volunteers gave freely of their time and expertise with the primary goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them into contact with cranes and lifting equipment.
Topics Covered:
Appropriate hand and voice signal use
Load charts
Load control
Rules and regulations
Proper crane set-up
Power line dangers
Use of operator aids
Safe and effective operating techniques
Lifting personnel communications
Equipment maintenance
Rigging principles
Minimizing potential accidents
Site condition evaluation
Shock loading
Equipment overload
Center of gravity determination
Selection, inspection, and angle of slings
Safety inspections
Verification of load weight and lift planning
Wire ropes

Safety is #1
Crane operation safety is of paramount importance in the construction and industrial sectors. Prioritizing safety in crane operation is not just a regulatory requirement but a moral obligation to protect the well-being of workers and the public.
A strong safety culture fosters trust among workers and employers, encouraging collaboration and ensuring that everyone returns home safely at the end of each day. By adhering to rigorous safety standards, training, and ongoing maintenance, crane operators play a crucial role in ensuring the overall success and integrity of any construction or industrial project.
Great Lakes Crane Certification fully endorses the national crane operator certification program offered by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and provides training to prepare candidates for NCCCO examinations.